Celiac Disease Treatments

"Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease that affects both adults and children alike. Left untreated, it can lead to malnutrition, which increases your risk of developing anemia, osteoporosis, lagged development, and in some cases, intestinal cancer. I can identify the cause of your intolerance, then implement a customized plan based on the exact needs of your body, and restore your chemical imbalance."

-Juliana Mazzeo, MS, CDN, Director
Nutrition Wellness Center of Nassau County

Natural Remedies for Celiac Disease in Valley Stream Nassau County NY 11581

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes your immune system to react negatively to gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in grains like rye, wheat, and barley. When an individual with Celiac Disease consumes food products that contain gluten, it causes their immune system to destroy the villi, the finger-like components in the small intestine that are responsible for absorbing nutrients. Without villi, the body is unable to absorb vital nutrients such as iron, calcium, and folate, which can lead to malnutrition.

Common Symptoms of Celiac Disease

The symptoms of Celiac Disease change from individual to individual and tend to affect adults differently than children. Some of the most common symptoms of Celiac disease in adults include:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Joint pain
  • Seizures
  • Severe skin rash
  • Tingling in the hands and feet
  • Canker sores in the mouth
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Osteoporosis

In children, Celiac Disease usually presents itself via various digestive issues including:

  • Stomach pain
  • Abdominal gas and bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Light, unpleasant smelling stool

Common Causes of Celiac Disease

The most obvious cause of Celiac Disease is an overactive immune system. An overactive immune system causes the immune system to attack and damage its own tissues. When the immune system encounters a foreign trigger or gluten in the case of Celiac Disease, it produces antibodies that as opposed to fighting infections, attacks its own tissues. Because autoimmune disorders symptoms are similar to other chronic illness, they are often misdiagnosed.

Genetic factors may also increase your risk of developing Celiac Disease. Doctors suggest that having certain genes can increase your risk of developing the disease. If someone in your family has these genes, you are more likely to have these genes and get Celiac Disease. Gene changes, or gene mutations, may also determine who gets Celiac Disease. Research shows that some gene mutations appear to increase the risk of developing the disease. Individuals with Turner Syndrome, type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, and microscopic colitis are also at greater risk of developing Celiac Disease.

Sometimes Celiac Disease occurs following intense emotional stress, pregnancy, childbirth, or surgery. Certain viruses may also increase your risk of developing Celiac Disease. Some viruses, such as rotavirus, cause the immune system to overreact. When repeated or prolonged, this overreaction may cause an individual's gluten tolerance to decrease. Gastrointestinal infections may also increase your risk of developing Celiac Disease. Prolonged non-steroidal use, such as ibuprofen, has also been shown to increase the risk of developing Celiac Disease.

Treating Celiac Disease Naturally

Treatment of Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease is generally treated by following a gluten-free diet. Your doctor may recommend that you work with a dietitian who is experienced with gluten-free diets. Within a few weeks of eliminating gluten-free foods, many people report feeling better.

Nutrition Response Testing is specifically designed to meet your individual needs. Not only can advanced muscle testing help determine the root cause of your condition, but your practitioner will also incorporate gradual diet planning and possibly whole food supplementsto help stimulate your body's own healing ability. Our holistic approach treats your entire body as one working unit, not just your reaction to gluten. Nutrition Response Testing will potentially identify other chemical imbalances that could be enhancing the effect of your gluten intolerance. In most cases, patients are unaware of these hidden complications.

Medical Nutrition

Our combined services and their implementation equate to medical nutrition for your body. Can it be harder than just taking a pill? Without a doubt, but our natural remedies for your specific illnesses has a proven long-term track record of success, without any additional risks and side effects from medicine. In our experience, diet modification and managed whole food supplements have proven to be very successful.

Left untreated, Celiac Disease can cause malnutrition. Malnutrition can cause lagged development and stunted growth in children, as well as anemia and weight loss in all sufferers. Celiac disease can also lead to the softening of the bone and loss of bone mass, which increases the risk of developing osteoporosis. Individuals with Celiac Disease, who forego a gluten-free diet, also run the risk of developing cancer of the intestines.

Contact us for Treatment of Celiac Disease

Contact Us for Treating Celiac Disease Naturally

As a certified dietitian, I am highly experienced with gluten-free diets. Gluten is found in many products, including pasta, bread, cereals, baked goods, beer, ale, and even certain medicines, vitamins, and beauty products, which can make eliminating gluten products confusing as you try to determine which food you can, and cannot eat.

As you begin to run low on options, you may even feel deprived. There are many alternatives to gluten products. Together we can help find gluten-free foods that you like, so you do not feel deprived. If you suffer from gluten-intolerance, contact us for a free consultation to see what we can do for you.

Please contact us today!