Heavy Metal Detox Treatments

"Heavy metal poisoning occurs as a result of toxic build-up, and left untreated, can lead to many neurological and brain disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. I can incorporate the principles of Nutrition Response Testing to help identify the source of your toxicity, then develop an individualized dietary plan to detox your system and lower your risk of developing more severe conditions."*

-Juliana Mazzeo, MS, CDN, Director
Nutrition Wellness Center of Nassau County

Natural Remedies for Heavy Metal Poisoning in Valley Stream Nassau County NY 11581

What is Heavy Metal Poisoning?

Heavy metal poisoning occurs as a consequence of a harmful amount of heavy metal build-up in the soft tissues of the body and can cause severe damage. Mercury, lead, cadmium, and lead are the most common heavy metals associated with poisoning. Heavy metal poisoning can occur as a result of various environmental and industrial factors including foods, medicines, pollution, water, air, lead-based paints, and improperly coated containers.

Eating fish is the top cause of mercury poisoning in America. Tuna (all types including canned), shark, swordfish, orange roughy, marlin, and tilefish will have the largest amounts. Generally speaking, the larger the fish, the greater the risk.

Common Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning

Metal toxicity usually falls under two categories: chronic toxicity or acute toxicity, depending on the amount of build-up in the body, and each type exhibits its own symptoms. Chronic toxic metal exposure symptoms often appear more subtle and may include:

Acute toxicity generally produces more pronounced symptoms, which include:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sudden, intense cramping or seizures
  • Impaired motor, language, and cognitive function

Common Causes of Heavy Metal Poisoning

Dietary intake is a common cause of toxic accumulation in the body. Certain foods, such as processed foods, pasteurized dairy products, unhealthy fats, instant coffee, table salt, and seafood all contribute to toxic build-up in the body. Municipal drinking water may also contribute to an accumulation of heavy metal toxins because it increases your body's uptake of aluminum, which can cause damaging effects. Heavy metal toxins can also be found in dental work, cookware, hair dyes, wood preservatives, vaccinations, fabric softeners, anti-antiperspirants, and vegetarian products.

Heavy metal poisoning can also occur as a result of a person's environment, hobbies, work, and living habits, etc. For example, arsenic toxicity can occur from ingesting bug sprays or insect repellents, or it can be absorbed through the skin by skin care products that contain arsenic as an ingredient. Acute heavy metal poisoning occurs as a result of an increased exposure to large amounts of a metal at one time. For instance, swallowing a lead object can create a significant amount of lead exposure at one time. Acute exposures are very hazardous and can quickly result in serious health problems, and in some cases, even death.

Treatment for Heavy Metals

Exposure to heavy metal toxins is more common than most people may realize. Once these toxins enter your body, they are there for good. Over time, the body becomes overwhelmed by metals and begins to accept them as a natural part of the body, allowing them to remain present in the nerves, brain, muscles, organs, bones, and GI tract, etc. which can cause severe damage in the long run.

Nutrition Response Testing allows me to identify the organs affected by heavy metal build-up and incorporate very specific drainage remedies, which includes gradual diet planning and whole food supplements, to help the body safely eliminate them.

As the organs are drained of harmful metals, other organs may need help. Therefore, it may take several visits to maintain the drainage process. This process helps avoid any symptoms of detox and prevents metals from building up and reentering the cells. As your diet and health improve, your immune system will become stronger; you will feel more energized and focused, and your digestion will improve.

Left untreated, heavy metal poisoning can lead to serious health issues. It can affect the functioning of the body and weaken the immune system, which can allow for viruses, parasites, allergies, and yeast in the body. Toxic metals also promote the formation of hydroxyl radicals, which increase cell damage. They also block enzyme functions and hinder cell energy production, which can adversely affect every organ, tissue, cell, and system in the body.